SOTW #3 /\ Unofficial

Well since frell said he wouldn’t do it anymore I’ll just start doing ones for fun that don’t have any prize but the satisfaction that you won :slight_smile: well here’s the rules from my last thread on this.

The entries will close on september 10th, and the voting will start shortly after. Please follow the rules to prevent getting disqualified.

You need a .psd screen
You may not vote for yourself
You are not allowed to ask others to vote for you
You must post your work and your work only
you must follow the category/theme whatever you want to call it
No joke signatures like porn etc
Link may not exceed more than 100 characters.
if you previously entered a peice you may not enter it again in a new SOTW

Here is the way you should set up your post
Image: [img]http://link balahahah blah
link with no tags:


Hum good luck:)