Looks like Jagex is now targeting private server development.
I received two DMCA notices (one for each of my projects) through SourceForge by Jagex today.
SourceForge automatically took down my projects too.
It looks like we might need to start going into private communities/development in order to avoid Jagex and their nuisances.
Here’s the email (yes it’s confidential, but I trust you guys in this private section):
Hello,My name is Daniel Hinojosa; I am the Sr. Manager of Support for
SourceForge.net. You are receiving this mail because you are the
project administrator of the ‘runeforge’ project, hosted by you on
SourceForge.net. We have recently received the following (attached)
DMCA request from a representative of Jagex Ltd… (CC’d).When cases like this arise, we forward the mail to the project admin
expeditiously. Please review this message carefully and follow-up as
needed.Following our DMCA policy, we have disabled public access to your
project.You can read the specifics about our DMCA compliance in our Terms and
Conditions of Use page: http://p.sf.net/sourceforge/tosdmcaYou can read our DMCA policy, including instructions for counter-
notification at: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/sitelegal/wiki/DMCA%
20Notification%20ProcedureThank you for your prompt attention to this serious matter.
Daniel Hinojosa, SourceForge.net Support
This email may contain confidential and privileged material for the
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Copyright Mailbox copyright@jagex.com
Date: Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 2:44 PM
Subject: DMCA Notification - sourceforge.net
To: "sfnet_ops@geek.net" sfnet_ops@geek.net, "dmca@sourceforge.net"
dmca@sourceforge.net, "legal@geek.net" legal@geek.net,
"info@geek.net" info@geek.netTo Whom It May Concern,
(“the Programs”, “the Projects”)
I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the owner or am
authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner. The information in
the notification is accurate. I have good faith to belief that the use
of the material identified below has not been authorised by the owner,
its agents or the law.I represent Jagex Limited (“Jagex”), developer and publisher of
massively multiplayer online games. Jagex has owned and operated
RuneScape, the well-known online multiplayer adventure game, at the
website www.runescape.com since 2001. There are currently over 5
million active registered players of the game worldwide.Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act we are hereby giving you
notification that;Jagex Limited (UK registered company number 03982706) is the exclusive
owner of the copyrights in and to the RuneScape massively multiplayer
online game, the associated www.runescape.com website and the text,
artwork, logos and other material appearing therein, except where
otherwise stated.a) A full and representative list of the RuneScape material can
be viewed at www.runescape.com.The Programs are being used to circumvent measures that control access
to copyrighted works as set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright
Act with the express intent of enabling users of the Programs to
breach their contracts with Jagex.a) The Programs are used to emulate the official RuneScape game
client and/or server functionality by circumventing the protective
systems enacted by Jagex Limited.b) In providing the reverse-engineered and modified RuneScape
clients or the server emulating software the Projects are committing
contributory and vicarious copyright infringement, as well as they are
encouraging others to breach their contract with Jagex Limited, the
terms of which clearly state: “You must not use a modified/customised
version of the client software or attempt to sub-license it. You must
not create or provide any other means by which any Jagex Product may
be played by others (including, without limitation, replacement or
modified client/server software, server emulators).”c) Development and distribution of the unauthorized versions of
RuneScape or illegitimate means of playing the game, as well as
creation of its duplicates is infringing upon the intellectual
property rights held by Jagex and negatively impacts the amount of
RuneScape’s users, therefore causing us financial loss.Accordingly, Jagex requires that you act expeditiously to remove, or
disable access to, the Programs listed above, as well as all other
pages containing hypertext links and/or any other means of redirection
to the infringing materials.Yours sincerely,
Bogdans Stakins
Copyright & Intellectual PropertyJagex Ltd.
St. Johns Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
United Kingdom
0844 588 6689
www.jagex.com | www.runescape.com
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Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, UK.
I don’t even think it’s illegal to develop an emulator in the first place, but I sure as hell can’t afford to go to court and defend my right to develop open-source.
Post your thoughts.