Spam Section

Could we get a spam section please? So we can fart around and have fun, and just spam. It wouldn’t count towards our post count though.

If I remember correctly, Moparisthebest is against having any sort of section along those lines. I can’t see it happening as well, it wouldn’t lead to anything productive and would end up breaking a majority of the rules in place on the forum.

we already do:,54.0.html

[quote=“Davidi2, post:3, topic:541976”]we already do:,54.0.html[/quote]

Your so funny!!!

If you want a spam section go to one of the other communities and spam their spam section.

Can’t you fart around and have fun on the IRC? Spam sections look awful and just degrade a forums appearance.

True, I forgot about the IRC.

The lack of moderation/incompetence of the moderation team has essentially allowed this whole forum to be a spam section sadly.