I was reminiscing the other day and I thought of the first time I had used SCAR and that led to me thinking about starblaster. I remembered that he left the scene without really leaving a word as to why. Well I searched around for him a little bit and I happened to come across a profile on a web development forum with his name.
I still wasn’t sure if it was him though so I checked some of his posts and lo and behold I found a post in which he answered some questions about moparscape and the likes. So at that point I was pretty sure it was the right guy so I sent him a message telling him who I was and why I was contacting him and I asked him we he left so abruptly. I waited for 3 or 4 days and I actually got a response.
Hey buddy,How’s it going? Nice to hear from an old school cheater
There were a few reasons I decided to leave, but without going into all the drama (lets face it, interent drama is pretty childish, right?), there were two main reason:
I simply became too busy - Around the time I decided to leave, I had started Uni, was enjoying myself quite a lot, and picked up a lot of new responsibilities. Although I checked in once in a while, I just became out of touch with the whole scene over time.
Cheating on RuneScape became very Java based; All of the java bots started to boom, and even SCAR bought in Java to help combat the new cheat detection systems. I was simply not interested in Java at all.That’s pretty much it! I’ve now got a great job as a Web Developer, and have little time for anything else. I barely have any time to browse this forum now, let alone help manage about 5 all at once!
I’m pretty sure no one really minded me leaving anyways.
Good to hear from you, and nice to know you used my scripts. I really enjoyed making them back in the day
Not sure how much any of you care but I figured some of you might.