Stylized Character [ WIP ] **Updated!

Hey guys, here I am once again, not been posting a lot because I’ve been very ill for a long time.
But in the time that I’ve been ill, I’ve been modelling some Stylized Character, it’s still a WIP.
But tell me what you think (:

Wireframe (As asked by Dylan)

:eek: WOW, Srsly WOW :eek:

Hmm? :stuck_out_tongue:
I’ll need a little more feedback than WOW haha

Is his body meant to be proportioned or not?

[quote=“amy_webb, post:4, topic:462752”]Is his body meant to be proportioned or not?[/quote] No it is not, I’ve been using refers for a cartoon-ish look and feel, and just let my imagination flow while working on it.

Wireframe pics? From what I can see in the head, there could be some topology issues(when it comes to rigging/animating). Looks like a decent concept, but more render views are necessary.

I’ll post some wireframe pics tomorrow, and for the head, I still need to clean it up, and make some changes for animating it, you’re right at that point.
I’ll also post some more render views tomorrow.

garry’s mod

[quote=“LilXCj, post:8, topic:462752”]garry’s mod[/quote]What do you mean?

A close up on the head wireframe would be nice, so I could give a proper critique.

He seems off balance to me, when looking in the side view. He seems really top heavy. Now given that he’s stylized, you can get away with it, but I would still try and give more balance to it. His torso is pretty big, given what looks somewhat toothpick-like arms, his wrists look thin. Keep it up, because the concept has potential.

I’ll get onto the close-up in a second rounding up something for my other project which is also posted on the forums, have a look :wink:


Here’s a closer look to the head wireframe (although it’s a bit messed up) :