Templar Knight Crusader

chainmail texture i made

Trust you to draw a crusader… you muslim hating pig.

lol didn’t realize the relevance, been playing AOC and Mount and Blade. I’ve always loved templar knights for the helmets and the signature cross and I wanted to make one.

Looks goooood. But I see a problem with the fingers not making a grip on the sword?

Im not an animator, it was just a quick pose lol

Haha, that texture is so obviously mirrored. Are there like limits on the size of the textures in games or something?
Hey, also do you know of any good character design tutorials?

its a 5 second rig, just the hand

not when you have to relearn 3DS MAX’s entire rigging system.

duno abt max, but maya its pretty simple, i never touched max :stuck_out_tongue:

Whats the blue streak in the middle of your textures for?

Top left is diffuse
Middle streak shows normal map
bottom right shows specular

Right now im creating a mongolian horse archer for a mount and blade mod

[quote=“Frell, post:11, topic:395031”]Top left is diffuse
Middle streak shows normal map
bottom right shows specular[/quote]orsm.

Wish I knew what that meant in graphics :stuck_out_tongue:

diffuse = pretty colors
normal map = bumpy parts
specular map = shiny parts

there ya go! i should write a book

Heres some progress on the hunarian archer uniform for CRPG:

Is CRPG the game you and taharok were working on?

No crpg is a mount and blade mod lol:

seems a bit fat (ex: neck)

Its been fixed since that picture

They both look pretty good!

what a bad fucking name for a mod, CRPG is Computer Role Playing Game, and shouldn’t be used as a name :frowning:

It turned mount and blade into a leveling system where you buy armor off the website (like a store) and choose your skills, campaign like for multiplayer. Its the most amazing thing ever