The cache grabber is done!

Basically, what it does is check if theres a base cache and grab the files that changed , otherwise itll grab all files,
the run time of this on a 8m downlink with no base is 4hours for a full cache worth of 91.1m of data,
Usage: java -jar cgrab.jar

Datestamp format:new Date().toString()

credits : me, miss silabsoft for the js5 client i used

so your stuff takes 4 hours, while jagex’s takes around a minute? impressive!

No, jagex’s takes longer, this downloads everything, the client doesnt,it only downloads what it needs, l2knowhowtheclientworks

rofl at 4 hours

update server has two ports utilize them and cut the time down :slight_smile:

wouldnt you be able to parallelise it, making new connections for each worker?

make threads until they ban you

na, i wanted it to be IP safe,you are already getting kicked after 5000 files so no i prefer low risk over speed

Care to share the source for this? I don’t mind running it on my server and sharing the cache with everyone, but this takes way to long. I have multiple different IPs I could bind to and have each one download a different piece, that should speed it up significantly by itself, and I don’t know what other optimizations are possible without looking at the code.

Assuming it works, great job. :slight_smile:

you are not doing something right then… the client can download the entire cache if left idle

Can doesnt mean it does? That would be a waste of bandwidth transferring all the cache unnecessarily right? And being from Britain, their hosting is done on a ridiculous pricing scale yeah? Thats why comes from Scotland and not England no? Saving Google like 2.5 billion or something each year yeah?

And as far as source goes, it decompiled fine for me?

[quote=“pplsuqbawlz, post:10, topic:321744”]Can doesnt mean it does? That would be a waste of bandwidth transferring all the cache unnecessarily right? And being from Britain, their hosting is done on a ridiculous pricing scale yeah? Thats why comes from Scotland and not England no? Saving Google like 2.5 billion or something each year yeah?

And as far as source goes, it decompiled fine for me?[/quote]
but the runescape client DOES(DID not current with the runetek5 update). let the client sit idle on login screen it will slowly download the cache.

the client does get kicked, but it restores the connection just like my edit of your js5 client

rather than reject everything said by peterbjornx because his lack of credibility here, take my word for it (height limit exceeded - quite a horse ;-p); the update server that everybody is so infatuated with does disconnect clients after a large number of requests… i believe it was ~5000 (take into account my memory lacks clarity - i discovered it in the rather distant past)

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Have you considered open-sourcing this yet so I can host it on this website and run it for everyone? Or is this something you don’t want done?

u may decompile it, i lost the source in a disk crash