The RS-Hacking case

As you all have noticed, I was forced to take down, which is very unfortunate, clearly…

My host was sent this message:

To whom it may concern;

I represent Jagex Limited, developer and publisher of massively multiplayer online games, including RuneScape.

A website which is hosted using your services has recently come to our attention. We believe that this website breaches your acceptable use policy and in doing so negatively impacts our game:

The site owner is responsible for the distribution of software programs (Bots) which enable RuneScape users to circumvent the game’s security measures and infringe Jagex’s intellectual property rights. The owner is promoting the use of Bots with the knowledge that they are encouraging and enabling users to breach their contracts with us.

I would be very grateful if someone could look at this webpage with a view to having it removed.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.

I am currently waiting to be put in touch with Jagex and I’m still weighing my options on the matter, however, it appears from this rather cowardly act, that they obviously have no other way to touch me… So basically, I’m doing nothing wrong. I do not intend to discontinue the community and I hope I can have it back up and running by the end of the month.

You’re going to get sued for millions!

spoiler: nobody cares

just save your collection of old deobs – you know, the only thing valuable on that site.

There is no reason for you to take anything down.

Unfortunately my hosting company says otherwise…

i have to agree with jagex on this one

cheatings baddd…

Well that sucks.

God save the queen…

[quote=“Freddy1990, post:6, topic:329274”][quote author=Moparisthebest link=topic=425663.msg3126784#msg3126784 date=1266099321]
There is no reason for you to take anything down.
Unfortunately my hosting company says otherwise…[/quote]

Your hosting company has nothing to do with it. Jagex sends them a notice, as long as they forward it to you, and you respond in the given amount of time, your host is free from all liability. If your host doesn’t know this, they are idiots and you need to get a new host ASAP.

Actually, they’re supposed to “expeditiously remove the content”, which could involve not even notifying you at all.

Bottom line, find a host that has a pair either locally or internationally.

the have a pair shit is pretty funny

why would any respectable company waive their right to not be held responsible just so a bunch of kids on a forum can think they have a pair

[quote=“Mopman, post:13, topic:329274”]the have a pair shit is pretty funny

why would any respectable company waive their right to not be held responsible just so a bunch of kids on a forum can think they have a pair[/quote]
Believe it or not, some people and places in the world still respect the right of individuals to things such as privacy or access to services that go uninterrupted. A good example would be the Swiss and their banking.
Of course I understand your opinion though – countries like Australia, the UK, America, haven’t been concerned about the rights of the little guy for a long time.

uh, but the swiss arent subject to the dmca anyway

in the usa, a host who ignores dmca takedowns on content that might be infringing leaves themselves open to being sued, because they waived the right to not be responsible

[quote=“Mopman, post:15, topic:329274”]uh, but the swiss arent subject to the dmca anyway

in the usa, a host who ignores dmca takedowns on content that might be infringing leaves themselves open to being sued, because they waived the right to not be responsible[/quote]
I recall using the words ‘locally or internationally’ in the post above.

Basically, you are doing something wrong. Bots, they are actually illegal if they’re based on deobs.

You host illegal content -> you get legal notices.

[quote=“Mopman, post:15, topic:329274”]uh, but the swiss arent subject to the dmca anyway

in the usa, a host who ignores dmca takedowns on content that might be infringing leaves themselves open to being sued, because they waived the right to not be responsible[/quote]
My server is UK based

[quote=“eXemplar, post:17, topic:329274”]Basically, you are doing something wrong. Bots, they are actually illegal if they’re based on deobs.

You host illegal content -> you get legal notices.[/quote]

Hmm, shouldn’t be illegal if you’re only distributing your own code, so if i remove the clients and deobs, it should be fine…

and nothing of value was lost.

[quote=“Mopman, post:11, topic:329274”][quote author=Moparisthebest link=topic=425663.msg3127344#msg3127344 date=1266125635]
Your hosting company has nothing to do with it. Jagex sends them a notice, as long as they forward it to you, and you respond in the given amount of time, your host is free from all liability. If your host doesn’t know this, they are idiots and you need to get a new host ASAP.

Actually, they’re supposed to “expeditiously remove the content”, which could involve not even notifying you at all.[/quote]

No, under the DMCA, the hosting company has an obligation to forward complaints onto the person potentially hosting the illicit content, and if they reply within a given number of days (I think it is 6 or 7) then the hosting company can forward that reply back to the complainant and the hosting company is then legally free and clear. Whether the complainant goes ahead and sues the person hosting the content is another matter. But the hosting company is not liable for anything.

That’s what the DMCA and similar laws were written for (among other, stupider things) to protect hosts and ISPs.