Thanks for the list, I’ve added note to the ones I’ve fixed and the ones I’m still working on.
[quote=“kickingjamie, post:6, topic:523377”]2. I go through the new portal at spawn to get to the portal room, I end up on the roof with no way back in. The end result was me killing myself. - This should be fixed now
3. I then fail to spawn at my usual bed at my base and instead at spawn. - This should be fixed, just set a random spawn bed and killed myself and I spawned at the bed
4. I go through the nether portal at spawn to try and get to the nether hub and get teleported 20-30blocks below it and fall to my death. - There is a scaling issue with the worlds ad the coord system, there is no inherent fix I can see but for the mean time we’ve placed the appropriate blocks to stop people from dying when they enter the main nether portal
6. After falling to my death I respawn in the nether at 0,0??? (not supposed to happen) - Right now there is an issue where each world has its own individual spawn point rather than one main point for branching worlds, if you don’t have a spawn point set (i.e. a bed) then you will spawn in the world you’re currently in (like the nether or the end).
7. I manage to get to the portal to my base in the nether and when I go through I spawn in the middle of the sky and fall to my death. I tried multiple times with the same outcome.
8. I manage to safely get to Fuscates base because water broke my fall - I would have died again if it hadn’t be there. Time to test the end.
9. My enderchest once again has been reset and emptied…
10. I suffocated in a wall when I went through the end portal, I died and spawn in the end…(not suppose to happen) - I’ve not been able to test this, but the end should be linked and work fine now. I can’t comment on whether it has the same issue as the nether, where the coordinate scaling is off but if that’s the case then if the spawn area for the end portal is a confined space with no room for coordinate spawning error then it can spawn you in a wall and kill you. If somebody can guide me to a natural end portal I can expand the area in creative as a temporary solution.[/quote]
Once all the above are confirmed I’ll look into the rest. We’re currently working on the worldmap so it probably wont work at this time. If you still have issues with beds, go ahead and resleep in your bed etc.