TitleBox HELP

Okay guys, so I made a new background and the title box looked like CRAP with it, so I’m making a new title box, but I completely suck at making them. I can’t think of an image in my head that looks like a good title box, I need a lot of criticism and suggesstions. This title box that I’m about to show you is awful, don’t think I’m trying to show you guys and be like, man this is my best work every. I believe that this is horrible. So, what can I do to make a GOOD titlebox?

(My custom crap ass one)

the original dimensions/images of the old login box limits the creativity of users.
if you take a little bit of time to modify the client itself, you will not be limited to that design.

How do I edit the dimensions? Would I edit loadTitleScreen?

Also, the current dimensions are 360 x 200, just in case anyone was wondering :expressionless:

just look at a tutorial for a custom login, and read over it slowly looking to see which methods/variables are changed to modify the image’s x and y values, as well as width and height

Kk thanks!