Tracker invite

Anyone here have access to bitme / bitspyder / docspedia?

are they all e-learning trackers? i recognize bitme, i passed up an invite giveaway like not too long ago but the others i dont. I can probably do bibliotik they get flaunted all the time, e-learn arent the trackers i really join in with

they’re fairly large from what i remember, i’ll accept an invite giveaway and then earn one on the tracker to give to you, they are fairly easy to obtain apparently

Ehh since this is a thread for tracker invites. Could I possibly get some invites to game sites?


Bitgamer good enough?

Yeah :slight_smile: That actually was what I wanted to ask you on irc and couldn’t remember

pm me an email address then, make sure you seed cuz so far ive got a decent invite history on there