Video Driver related problems?

I’ve been using my ATI Radeon HD 3450 (inb4shitcard), which has worked perfectly fine for games… until I updated my driver.

After the update, just about EVERY game looks like this:

When I say every game, I’m including Runescape… on lowest settings. My settings don’t seem to affect this issue in the slightest. Any ideas?

…downgrade your driver?

[quote=“Niall, post:2, topic:440990”]…downgrade your driver?[/quote]This. If upgrading the driver made things shittier than before, no reason to be havin’ it!

Personally I would be embarrassed to let people know I played counter-strike and runescape…


Yes because someone should be embarrassed to admit they play one of the best shooters ever made? Right… Go play black ops you scrub

he didnt say quake though

I didn’t say the best, i said one of the best

[quote=“eXemplar, post:4, topic:440990”]Personally I would be embarrassed to let people know I played counter-strike and runescape…[/quote]I used to play both. Now just CSS, DOTA.

[quote=“eXemplar, post:4, topic:440990”]Personally I would be embarrassed to let people know I played counter-strike and runescape…[/quote]Whats wrong with CS:S and RuneScape?