Voetbal645's graphic!

Hello, here is my first graphic.
I never did this before so this is the first time that i’ve used photoshop.
Don’t flame please.

Ehh, it looks like you got text, added backdrops and gradient and that’s all.

I said it’s the first time, i have no knowledge. I posted this to get more tips etc.
I’m still learning, but your right.

Sorry, well just mess around with photoshop, check out what some of the features do and try to get comfortable with them. If your having troubles there are many tutorials on the internet.

I will and i will learn it, i will come back with better releases. But i posted this to so you can see an evolution of the designs.

haha this is great for a first time, this is the kind of stuff I used to play with before I got good, just messing around with the text options and stuff haa! Nice job!

Haha guess we have the same style of learning, haha. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thank’s mate.

looks pretty cool :smiley:

Love how the text crumbles away, is that just a custom font or did you design that yourself?

[quote=“SilentCJ, post:9, topic:459964”]Love how the text crumbles away, is that just a custom font or did you design that yourself?[/quote]it’s the font he’s using. i’ve used it before.