We're still here and working things out!

Just thought I’d pop up and reassure everybody we’re still working towards dealing with the requests that get posted in this section. We’re hopefully moving to a new server shortly and with it should come a few changes, but before implementing anything I wanted to get the communities input on what you guys think should be happening and your opinion on where we’re at with the requests in this section. So, without further delay.

For a starter the Octopress homepage is scheduled to be scrapped there was very little support for it from day one and it simply wasn’t working considering nobody was willing to create any themes for it. The black theme and blue forum was horrid. The main argument for keeping it was the security it offered though I’ve just finished removing certain elements of simpleportal (such as the ability for PHP code execution in portal blocks as set by somebody with the appropriate permissions on the forum). Coming soon https://www.moparisthebest.com will land on the Home tab, and /smf/ will land on the forum tab which are both encapsulated within the forum. If that doesn’t make sense take a look at this picture from the dev site:


Then any new themes we install would automatically match your homepage (though those themes are still to be decided as such). Another element we’ve been looking into is the return of some sort of reputation system or a way for users to show their appreciation aside from simply posting it. There were a lot of ideas regarding the return of a more thought out rep system (including a currency system) but the most favourable at this stage would appear to be a simplistic thank you system. Unfortunately the modifications that are out there aren’t all that great and a few are no longer around/or are out dated this was initially an issue until I found a like system and simply took the language files and renamed everything so it could be sold as a thanks system.


Aside from actually adding things to the community that might be potentially wanted I’d like to address some other things -

[ul][li]The uninteresting, and pretty dead boards that came over from MITB. These were originally on a trial period due to disagreements about their place in the community needless to say we’ll be reviewing the boards again shortly and will post if anything changes. [/li]
[li]A new forum theme is still on the table and if no clear directive is taken by the community I’ll just choose a nice variety that don’t look silly to be optional themes.[/li]
[li]We’re going to be bringing forward the community minecraft server a little more which could be joined by other servers in the future along with advertising to bring in people from outside the normal scope of the community.[/li][/ul]

And some other things that you may or may not get to hear about shortly :stuck_out_tongue: Please post your comments in regards to these changes in this topic, whether you feel you don’t like the addition of something or want to know more or perhaps you like the idea. If you have an opinion please post it here.

Yay for wheels turning!



who could have ever seen this coming :expressionless:

So what if some rep systems are outdated? Are they hard to make? just wondering
But even though i’m really excited ! :smiley:

I’m glad to see more changes. TBH I kind of forgot about http://moparisthebest.com whenever I come here it auto fills the /smf/ so I just ignored that area and its entirety :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the thank system, imo it’d look more neat if you just put “Thank” on the topics, or maybe just not on the board view at all. I honestly don’t see why that button is on the board view (convenience maybe?) because you’d kind of want to read it before thanking someone for it :slight_smile:

Is the Server Status Page ever going to see any updates?

Thanks moparisthebest.

[quote=“Tom, post:1, topic:542024”][ul][li]We’re going to be bringing forward the community minecraft server a little more which could be joined by other servers in the future along with advertising to bring in people from outside the normal scope of the community.[/li][/ul][/quote]YES

[quote=“naseem142, post:6, topic:542024”]So what if some rep systems are outdated? Are they hard to make? just wondering
But even though i’m really excited ! :D[/quote]

There can be a lot of code involved in some of the modifications, one of the thanks mods had a ridiculous amount of code and there are very few people willing to put that kind of effort into something.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:7, topic:542024”]As for the thank system, imo it’d look more neat if you just put “Thank” on the topics, or maybe just not on the board view at all. I honestly don’t see why that button is on the board view (convenience maybe?) because you’d kind of want to read it before thanking someone for it :slight_smile:

Is the Server Status Page ever going to see any updates?[/quote]

Yeah, stuff like that will probably be changed. You’ll most likely only be able to thank in topics once you’ve clicked them. There is also other stuff to consider such as should the thanks amount be publicly displayed in posts, on the users profile, or hidden entirely from other people? Should there be a limit to the amount you can thank? etc. As far as the status page there was a topic discussing the prospects of a redesign but as far as I’m aware nothing has been handed in from the community. You can read that here:


[quote=“Travas, post:9, topic:542024”][quote author=Tom link=topic=660898.msg4418212#msg4418212 date=1397023849]

[ul][li]We’re going to be bringing forward the community minecraft server a little more which could be joined by other servers in the future along with advertising to bring in people from outside the normal scope of the community.[/li][/ul]


No problem, kiddo.

I really like the idea of the thanks system, it’s nice and simple. Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

Thanks for keeping us updated. :slight_smile:

thx u based god

Thank you MITB for all your hard work! If you need any reviewing or an extra hand you know I’m here.

nice job tom, cool updates

Oh another thing I know a few members had the idea about replacing the Help tab with more useful information, if anybody would like to write out what could go there in HTML format then I’m sure we can get around to changing it. The changes stated in this topic will be rolled out next week, hopefully.

Whomever does this (I won’t, I’m not artful with posting guides or things like this) please, please include a snippet about posting good help topics, if not I’m sure you could find one of the dozen that’s been posted in the server help section.

Here you go based tom.


Use it however you want and fix it up so it works, I don’t have a web-server installed yet LOL (plus we don’t have a dummy sql table for the repo yet)!

nothing yet :frowning: