[quote=“Moparisthebest, post:11, topic:325729”]The best way to go about this is to not ask yourself or others what information they DO track, but instead to ask what they possibly COULD track.
They could track webserver requests, and you wouldn’t even need your own custom server, a simple grep of the access logs from any server software could tell you whether a client is an actual web browser with javascript or if it is just wget or a bot.
They could track mouse movements and clicks. (and they actually have code in place to do so, and the data is sent to thier servers from time to time, what they do with it is anyone’s guess. It is likely that they run some type of automated program to analyze it to check for blatant bots, but who knows? No one here for sure.)
They could track your key clicks, the duration, if you ever make any mistakes (a human would). Again, how they would analyze it is anyone’s guess, but you should make them as real as you can, and make mistakes like a human would.
They can track what version of VM they are running in, and potentially check what operating system you use, and what classes you have loaded in the JVM if you don’t protect against this.
I believe the above is about all they can do, IF you run the unsigned client, which is what I always advise to cheat with. If you run the signed client, they can do anything you can do on your computer, which includes countless nasty things. I’ll list a few below, but it’s pretty near infinite what they can come up with.
Check running processes (running scar.exe?), contents of you hard drive (have any bots or scripts in there), your browser history (have you ever searched ‘runescape cheating’, visited moparisthebest.com or SRL?). They could even install code that runs on boot to check all of these things. I wouldn’t suggest it for cheating at all.[/quote]
Wouldn’t a lot of that actually breach the privacy law if not included in their TOS? Also how would you protect yourself from them getting what classes you’ve loaded in the process?