WhatsApp Messenger J2SE port

the past couple of hours ive been working on creating a j2se whatsapp client, i ported some classes from the s40 j2me version of the app but i have written lots of code myself too, so far i got simple IM working:
) and * are commands,
) = open chat with person

  • = say something

WhatsApp Messenger for Java ALPHA IMEI?---- Username?31--myuser-- Password: ---md5hash_of_IMEI--- 31--myuser--@s.whatsapp.net is now online ----user2---@s.whatsapp.net is now online ) To?----user2---@s.whatsapp.net * Message?test ----user2---@s.whatsapp.net says Got it * Message?Wow :D ----user2---@s.whatsapp.net is now offline ----user2---@s.whatsapp.net says Nice