[quote=“Frell, post:14, topic:452729”]lower the collision thickness on all the cloth lol
I wish I could help you get rid of those blotchy renders… No clue what setting it is :\ Best advice would be to render out at 1600x900 and scale it down to about 900x450[/quote]
What would that be to fix? I used a subdivided plane over about 30 cylinders spread over the mattress to cause the wavy effect, and then applied the shell modifier of about 1.5cm (real scale) to give it thickness, I think it’s just the material that’s the problem.
I think the cause of that was a setting I had in the vray sun light, I had it set to overcast, which means lots of clouds in the sky (right?). Set it to clear now (and tweaked a couple of other settings), and set the GI to very low, so the quality is a little lower, and it produced this:
Notice the light leakage in the ceiling? That’s what I’m worried about, I mean I can easily use the healing brush in photoshop to fix it, but it never looks quite the same.
Just realised I’ve cut out part of the roof skirting on the top left side as well, whoops
edit: fixed the roof, changed more settings, turned the blinds round too… I bledy hate lighting, and idek how the reflection in the back of the monitor got there…