
Was messing around with ps, decided to make arthas. This is still a WIP but if you have any tips, i’d be glad to hear them.

dont think imma sleep good tonight


great job, always exceptional work.

practice painting in black and white for a while until you get brush handling and highlights/shadows down solid then worry about color

I still have a hard time painting color to this day

I didn’t think it looked scary, that’s weird. lol

Thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile:

Think the tone of the skin is too much since the way that you’re doing this (looked at one of his pictures for like two seconds and thought it was a bit lighter than this) but I still like it a lot, fantastic work!

I was playing around with the skin colour actually, thinking about making it look more blue or pale so thanks for mentioning that. Now i know i have to change it rather then just leave it as is. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I didn’t need to sleep tonight anyways.