[WiP]Mustang Concept [WiP]

Here is my Mustang Concept which I am required to make for my 3D class.


Wire Frames:
Front/Camera View


The total face count at this time is 720 Faces. The rear view wire frame was taken in edit mode showing the areas for Mean Creasing for when I subsurface a high-poly version. Please post Constructive criticism as I wish to be as accurate as I can with this concept.

Much cleaner

Yea the wireframe is much more organized, round off the doors a bit though. Also is the mean crease in the middle supposed to be there?
EDIT: If you want the final render to look VRay qualityish use this renderer:

Indigo is nothing like VRay and shouldn’t be called VRay-ish. A better comparison would be to call it a competitor for Maxwell.

This one looks better than your others, however there’s still problem topology looking at that first wireframe.

[quote=“SomethingToHide, post:4, topic:370931”]Indigo is nothing like VRay and shouldn’t be called VRay-ish. A better comparison would be to call it a competitor for Maxwell.

This one looks better than your others, however there’s still problem topology looking at that first wireframe.[/quote]
Now how would I go about correcting this?

You have edge loops that don’t connect as well as non-quads/tris. You fix one problem and that fixes the other.