Here’s what’s happening.
Mods had a gold crown, so i fixed it. [so i thought]
turns out, only the person who is the mod can see their crown as white.
Say we got A, B, and C.
A is a moderator.
A sees himself w a white crown
B and C see him as a gold crown.
What is the player rights of A? (You say mod, but I need a number)
This may (most likely is) be client sided.
Player rights of A are 1
In that case it’s going to be client sided.
Most of it will take place in drawChatArea().
You’re going to have to look for stuff like:
Those should be all related to drawing the sprites.
To find out which @cr#@ your mod is, you need to look for something like:
As that will be your player chatting to others.
Based on what that number is, will be what you need to look for.
You’ll end up finding something like:
if (s != null && s.startsWith("@cr1@")) {
s = s.substring(5);
byte0 = 1;
and byte0 (may be byte1 or something else) will represent the player rights in the client.
Then you have to find something like:
if (byte0 == 1) {
modIcons[0].drawSprite(k1, l - 12);
k1 += 12;
This tells the client to draw the modIcons[0] for the rights 1.
In your case, it’s probably going to be something like:
if (byte0 == 1) {
modIcons[1].drawSprite(k1, l - 12);
k1 += 12;
As you see, it’s drawing modIcons[1] instead of 0, and that’s typically the first admin crown.
More likely its a player updating problem