XENON | 525 | TrisidiaX V3 Remake | Custom Zones


Xenon is a 525 revised RuneScape Private Server that was derived from the RuneScape Private Server, TrisidiaX (Version 3: The Final Release). I, X (in-game), have changed a few things in the server.

•New Location For Shops
•Owner Zone
•Owner Zone Shop
•Drop Party Command
•Drop Party Zone
•Custom Drop Party Alert
•New Admin Zone
•New Mod Zone
•New Staff Zone
•A Few New Commands
•Alterations To Some Commands
•Changed Sprites


[spoiler][size=12pt]LOG IN[/size]



[size=12pt]SUMMONING TAB[/size]

[size=12pt]SQUEAL OF FORTUNE[/size]

[size=12pt]MONSTER TELEPORT[/size]

[size=12pt]MINIGAME TELEPORT[/size]

[size=12pt]BOSS TELEPORT[/size]

[size=12pt]PK TELEPORT[/size]

[size=12pt]SKILLING TELEPORT[/size]

[size=12pt]DONATOR TAB[/size]

[size=12pt]DONATOR ZONE[/size]

[size=12pt]OWNER ZONE[/size]

[size=12pt]OWNER ZONE SHOP[/size]

[size=12pt]SHOP TELEPORT[/size]


[size=14pt]NEW COMMANDS ADDED[/size]
[size=12pt]COMMAND[/size] ::dp
[size=12pt]DESCRIPTION[/size] Mass teleport to the drop party zone
[size=12pt]POSITION TO USE[/size] Owner

[size=12pt]COMMAND[/size] ::ownerzone
[size=12pt]DESCRIPTION[/size] Teleport to the owner zone
[size=12pt]POSITION TO USE[/size] Owner [size=8pt](I don’t remember if co-owner allowed, try it yourself. If not, fix it yourself in commands.java)[/size]

[size=12pt]COMMAND[/size] ::store
[size=12pt]DESCRIPTION[/size] Teleport to all the shops
[size=12pt]POSITION TO USE[/size] Players, Moderators, Administrators, Co-owners, Owners

[size=12pt]COMMAND[/size] ::adminzone
[size=12pt]DESCRIPTION[/size] Teleport Administrators to the Admin zone
[size=12pt]POSITION TO USE[/size] Administrators, Co-owners, Owners

[size=12pt]COMMAND[/size] ::modzone
[size=12pt]DESCRIPTION[/size] Teleport to the Mod zone
[size=12pt]POSITION TO USE[/size] Moderators, Administrators, Co-owners, Owners

[size=12pt]COMMAND[/size] ::home
[size=12pt]DESCRIPTION[/size] Teleport to Home quicker (Cannot be used in battle or wilderness > 20)
[size=12pt]POSITION TO USE[/size] Players, Moderators, Administrators, Co-owners, Owners

[size=14pt]EXTRA INFORMATION[/size]
I do this kind of stuff all the time. Download sources and clients and just edit them or make them the way I want and when I think it’s right, I release them with proper credentials given. All you have to do is download them and do the same. Give credits otherwise, you ruin others and your privileges. Moving on. I used TrisidiaX V3. I tried making my own RuneScape Private Server using this source but unfortunately, I can’t portforward with my router. If someone would help me, It’d be grateful however, this is not the right board to right this in. I’m diverting!! Okay, with all due respect, I changed the logo of the control panel in the source and the titles of the compilers and initiators. At the moment, I just wanted to post the topic. The download will be up by tomorrow FOR SURE! Just be patient! :smiley:

[spoiler]Source and Client
Cache is Auto-Download Otherwise


[spoiler]25% Me
75% TrisidiaX[/spoiler][/center]

dl link?

If you’d take time in reading, you would’ve known that they will be coming really soon. Within 24 to 48 hours MAX!

I lol’d at your site:

Xenon is a 565 revision Runescape Private Server founded and hosted by X
TrisidaX V3 is a 317 PI, with a client that is loading higher data.

This looks like a server advert, and therefore belongs in that section.
Also, you’re showing off features that literally came with TrisidiaX V3. Show some of your content.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:4, topic:543770”]I lol’d at your site:

TrisidaX V3 is a 317 PI, with a client that is loading higher data.

This looks like a server advert, and therefore belongs in that section.
Also, you’re showing off features that literally came with TrisidiaX V3. Show some of your content.[/quote]

Forget the website. Back then, I was using a blank source & client and I got fed up of all the errors I faced for weeks so I just downloaded one and changed it a bit and didn’t bother updating the website after I realized my country doesn’t allow Port Forwarding

[quote=“MrZeerax, post:5, topic:543770”][quote author=sk8rdude461 link=topic=662648.msg4428847#msg4428847 date=1402237742]
I lol’d at your site:

TrisidaX V3 is a 317 PI, with a client that is loading higher data.

This looks like a server advert, and therefore belongs in that section.
Also, you’re showing off features that literally came with TrisidiaX V3. Show some of your content.

Forget the website. Back then, I was using a blank source & client and I got fed up of all the errors I faced for weeks so I just downloaded one and changed it a bit and didn’t bother updating the website after I realized my country doesn’t allow Port Forwarding[/quote]
Wait a country can block port forwarding…? I’ve heard of ISPs blocking specific ports being forwarded, or making people pay etc, but never an entire country blocking port forwarding. Considering the internet runs on those ports.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:6, topic:543770”][quote author=MrZeerax link=topic=662648.msg4428854#msg4428854 date=1402242698]

Forget the website. Back then, I was using a blank source & client and I got fed up of all the errors I faced for weeks so I just downloaded one and changed it a bit and didn’t bother updating the website after I realized my country doesn’t allow Port Forwarding
Wait a country can block port forwarding…? I’ve heard of ISPs blocking specific ports being forwarded, or making people pay etc, but never an entire country blocking port forwarding. Considering the internet runs on those ports.[/quote]

I got to know from an expert in the country I am in; United Arab Emirates. And I tried portforward.com and couldn’t find my router. D-Link DSL-2750U

nothing special, just fu**** trisidiax. With alot of bugs, and dupes.

Mind you, there are no bugs in it. I didn’t change any single thing. All I did is move stuff around. Again, mind you

[quote=“MrZeerax, post:9, topic:543770”][quote author=f3rsport link=topic=662648.msg4428887#msg4428887 date=1402251033]
nothing special, just fu**** trisidiax. With alot of bugs, and dupes.

Mind you, there are no bugs in it. I didn’t change any single thing. All I did is move stuff around. Again, mind you[/quote]
the reason that it has bugs is because you didn’t change anything :palm:

just delete this

[quote=“MrZeerax, post:9, topic:543770”][quote author=f3rsport link=topic=662648.msg4428887#msg4428887 date=1402251033]
nothing special, just fu**** trisidiax. With alot of bugs, and dupes.

Mind you, there are no bugs in it. I didn’t change any single thing. All I did is move stuff around. Again, mind you[/quote]
You’ve stated that you did not change a single thing, why are you releasing this then? Trisidia itself contains tons of bugs. How can you say that there are no bugs ? It makes no sense.

To go on more precise; You’re just showing off shit which trisidia already has implemented.
Take this as constructive criticsm for future improvements.

Peace out

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:4, topic:543770”]I lol’d at your site:

TrisidaX V3 is a 317 PI, with a client that is loading higher data.

This looks like a server advert, and therefore belongs in that section.
Also, you’re showing off features that literally came with TrisidiaX V3. Show some of your content.[/quote]

Thanks, and well done:)

Hey thanks a lot. This looks really great!

cant run the client the cache wont load help?

Change the JDK (Java Development Kit) to the one you have.
[spoiler]C:\Program Files\JDK1.#.#_##[/spoiler]

For the cache, go to cachedownloader.java (client sided of course) and go to the dropbox link. Download that and extract the files into your C:\ Drive. Make sure the cache’s access is like this; suppose we want to access the sprites folder. C:\Xenon\Sprites not C:\Sprites or C:\Xenon\Xenon\Sprites. More help, contact me on Skype with the message, “Xenon Help” in the AddToContacts message box. :wink:

[quote=“MrZeerax, post:16, topic:543770”][quote author=khourys link=topic=662648.msg4429686#msg4429686 date=1402652457]
cant run the client the cache wont load help?

Change the JDK (Java Development Kit) to the one you have.
[spoiler]C:\Program Files\JDK1.#.#_##[/spoiler]

For the cache, go to cachedownloader.java (client sided of course) and go to the dropbox link. Download that and extract the files into your C:\ Drive. Make sure the cache’s access is like this; suppose we want to access the sprites folder. C:\Xenon\Sprites not C:\Sprites or C:\Xenon\Xenon\Sprites. More help, contact me on Skype with the message, “Xenon Help” in the AddToContacts message box. ;)[/quote]
Hello i was just wondering where the cache access is? Is it in the cachedownloader.java where it says the cachelink and then the link previously. This is the only thing that i need for it work. Unless something else goes wrong but so far this is the only problem :slight_smile:

[quote=“p0uch, post:17, topic:543770”][quote author=MrZeerax link=topic=662648.msg4429690#msg4429690 date=1402655927]

Change the JDK (Java Development Kit) to the one you have.
[spoiler]C:\Program Files\JDK1.#.#_##[/spoiler]

For the cache, go to cachedownloader.java (client sided of course) and go to the dropbox link. Download that and extract the files into your C:\ Drive. Make sure the cache’s access is like this; suppose we want to access the sprites folder. C:\Xenon\Sprites not C:\Sprites or C:\Xenon\Xenon\Sprites. More help, contact me on Skype with the message, “Xenon Help” in the AddToContacts message box. :wink:
Hello i was just wondering where the cache access is? Is it in the cachedownloader.java where it says the cachelink and then the link previously. This is the only thing that i need for it work. Unless something else goes wrong but so far this is the only problem :)[/quote]

If the cache is the source of your error, try fiddling mostly with cachedownloader.java and signlink.java
Make sure upon downloading cache, it’s placed in the C:\ drive and let’s say you want to go to the sprites folder, the file path should most likely be C:\XENON\Sprites not C:\Sprites or C:\XENON\XENON\Sprites. A lot of people make that error for some reason. However, if the link of the cache is the problem, then you can fix that yourself easily by re-uploading the cache to your Dropbox and changing the links related to cache.

I have the “Unable to Load/Download Xenon Cache”.
I am using your uploaded cache link (Which is currently working).

It will create a “XENON” folder and only downloads like 6 main_file_cache.dat/idx files.

Could you help me with this?
Thank you

Hello i found the pdf file that i didn’t see earlier, and for the client it says to run the initiate.bat and change the jdk but for my file all it says is,
@echo off
Title Xenon Client
cd ./Class/
START java -Xmx512m Gui 30 0 lowmem members 32
There is no place where i can change the version of the jdk to what I have. Anyone help me?