Your First Post!

Since the other thread is dead, I’ll start a new one.

Share you first post or any early funny posts!

Here’s mine (not first, but very early on and quite amusing, tbh.):

[quote=“Jc22493, post:6, topic:188906”]LMFAO super…u think ur an expert or sumthing u dumb fuck?
learn to code, then talk u noob…
and ur a dumb fuck also because ur not even doing what he wants u dumbshit
get it right b4 u start being a shithead[/quote]

first post

Wait so I post some early post when i first started…?

Edit heres mine:

[quote=“kingman002, post:1, topic:303961”]Ok, I downloaded the source “Delta Source” and i need a special client for it I think, it won’t work for me look… any answers for me, if you can help tell me (but if theres a certian client tell me which and where i can get, i really wanna get this working)[br][br][size=1]Posted on: September 23, 2009, 04:03:07 pm[/size][hr]help please!!! im desperate!!! I dont know what the hell this nulling is!!!
[br][br][size=1]Posted on: September 23, 2009, 05:55:52 pm[/size][hr]never mind, found out its an anti leech i must be pretty stupid[/quote]

Go away you stupid troll.

Also, there is already a topic for this… somewhere in this section…

[quote=“reyx7, post:3, topic:386781”][quote author=kingman002 link=topic=482551.msg3533886#msg3533886 date=1300406278]
first post
Go away you stupid troll.

Also, there is already a topic for this… somewhere in this section…[/quote]
I have my trolleray posts. I bet you do too. So shut up you stupid dumb shit dumb shit fuck head dumb shit head fucker uncle fucking bitch hoe fag you fucked ur uncle then i did and then ur uncle sucked my dick then you sucked his dick [size=25pt]jk lol[/size]

[quote=“kingman002, post:5, topic:386781”][quote author=reyx7 link=topic=482551.msg3533887#msg3533887 date=1300406323]

Go away you stupid troll.

Also, there is already a topic for this… somewhere in this section…
I have my trolleray posts. I bet you do too. So shut up you stupid dumb shit dumb shit fuck head dumb shit head fucker uncle fucking bitch hoe fag you fucked ur uncle then i did and then ur uncle sucked my dick then you sucked his dick[/quote]

Whoa, chill out. You can ask a lot of people on these forums, the only time I’m generally rude to someone is when they
1.troll in the wrong section
3.continuously disregard rules
4.are being just plain stupid

@Vain, what was your first account? What happened there? you actually got banned?

[quote=“reyx7, post:6, topic:386781”][quote author=kingman002 link=topic=482551.msg3533891#msg3533891 date=1300406446]

I have my trolleray posts. I bet you do too. So shut up you stupid dumb shit dumb shit fuck head dumb shit head fucker uncle fucking bitch hoe fag you fucked ur uncle then i did and then ur uncle sucked my dick then you sucked his dick

Whoa, chill out. You can ask a lot of people on these forums, the only time I’m generally rude to someone is when they
1.troll in the wrong section
3.continuously disregard rules
4.are being just plain stupid

@Vain, what was your first account? What happened there? you actually got banned?[/quote]
The little tiny dots said lol jk and posted my first post in september 23 2009

[quote=“kingman002, post:7, topic:386781”][quote author=reyx7 link=topic=482551.msg3533893#msg3533893 date=1300406544]

Whoa, chill out. You can ask a lot of people on these forums, the only time I’m generally rude to someone is when they
1.troll in the wrong section
3.continuously disregard rules
4.are being just plain stupid

@Vain, what was your first account? What happened there? you actually got banned?
The little tiny dots said lol jk and posted my first post in september 23 2009[/quote]

I assumed it was a period… because when people mean something, generally it’s out in the world for others to see… why do you want the image of a troll?


Registered in August 08, didn’t post till April of 09

[quote=“reyx7, post:120, topic:262633”]Lol this looks awesome, do u have an estimated finished date?
Also, when u beat a round, add the short tune, and when u die, add that 2… lol its a cool theme[/quote]

Back when Cocoa had the nazi zombie project thing.

Wrong. It's Hyperion (rs2 framework). We recently converted server bases.

Here is our order of how we switched bases:

  1. iClarity 1.05
  2. Shards
  3. Devolution 2.7
  4. Hyperion (Grahams rs2 framework)

Just letting you know for all the haters or flamers who say it’s shards.

I remember two other accounts I had, both of which got banned which I still have no reason for. The first one was called, “zammy!!” the second “x Blitz x”… I think in total I’ve been here longer then most of you. ;o

zammy!! was registered on February 02, 2007, 12:45:16 PM. First post was made February 06, 2007, 11:10:13 AM

[quote=“zammy!!, post:1, topic:55536”]hel i always get this error
Error: owner steve size mismatch in getnpcpos - pos:102 psize:105
Error: T2 - 65,81,134 - 105,3251,3434 - 19,2,66,0,127,-2,1,32,58,58,112,105,109,112,49,32,58,58,112,105,109,112,50,32,58,58,112,105,109,112,51,32,58,58,103,104,111,115,116,32,58,58,115,119,101,101,116,32,58,58,[/quote]

x Blitz x was registered on September 16, 2007, 04:37:31 PM. First post was made on September 16, 2007, 07:42:45 PM

[quote=“x blitz x, post:1, topic:143980”][code]
import java.awt.;
import java.awt.image.
import javax.imageio.

public class ScreenShots {

public static int num = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
//Get the screen size
Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
Robot robot = new Robot();
BufferedImage image = robot.createScreenCapture(rectangle);
File file;

   //Save the screenshot as a jpg
  file = new File("screen"+num+".jpg");
  ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", file);

catch (Exception e)
Just compile and run. it will take pictures of your screen lol i know it is not ment to be here but it was fun,.[/quote]

I, Epic Steve, was registered on November 09, 2009, 11:30:22 AM. First post on, January 26, 2010, 04:40:17 PM.
I can’t quote it as the topic is locked, but it said,
“You fucktards, stop feeding the troll.”

[quote=“casey., post:4, topic:50647”]its kinda lame…ive saw it.


[quote=“casey., post:12, topic:386781”][quote author=casey. link=topic=71061.msg808095#msg808095 date=1169521024]
its kinda lame…ive saw it.

A movie, I presume?

the quote is linked

This isn’t my first post, but sure is one of my most ignorant.

[quote=“Clawz fury, post:21, topic:343711”][quote author=krackkid link=topic=440101.msg3234233#msg3234233 date=1276355983]
WOW, this tutorial is sooooo EPIC!, not like I knew this or anything.

Your a fag, shutup, people dont have to make tutorials. They do it to help people.[/quote]

Sorry kracky <3333

[quote=“drubrkletern, post:1, topic:347960”]hi i recently made my server ,and i need help! you cant trade! im not sure if its admin only who cant trade but i need to somehow make so they can, or if its not admins only cannot trade and its the whole trading system in that source, can someone tell me how to fix that problem?
my source is atomic scape 562
does anyone else have this problem?[/quote]

Rofl, i myself was a noob who used 562, but techincally the first server i used was a 317, unlike people who use 614 or the latest as their base :troll:

But now, instead of being the newcomer asking for help on his first server ever which is a server too advanced for him, i am now the asshole who flames him for making a topic like that in the help section :smiley:

Mine was where I created the development thread.

ello Moparscape, this is my Official Development thread for the server Bronze Age.

Introduction: This is the development of a server called Bronze Age. I have just joined the RSPS Community all together. So please don’t expect much from me when I release the source. I do plan on taking my time though at least, and I do plan on keeping this updated.

Base: Delta-Cleaned
Credits to Johnny J

Server Features

Version 1.0 Features
Code: [Select]

  • Lag-Walking Fixed
  • Magic almost perfected
  • Source Cleanup (Conventions, Useless Spaces etc)
  • Starter added (500k Coins, 500 Runes Mind-Fire)
  • Woodcutting almost great (Tree Spirit added)
  • Fishing has been improved (Face towards spot, Accurate Fishing etc)
  • Shops have been added (A lot)
  • Doors fixed (Varrock, Falador, and Lumbridge)
  • Common bug for Women fixed (Couldn’t attack)
  • Common Quest for Starters
  • Start of Fletching, and Firemaking
  • Magic tweaks (Freeze, you can now bind/Snare/Entangle/Ice Freeze any NPC)
  • Common Name Fixes (Fishing Items, and Spots)
  • Requirement against Slayer (Level 30 to being Slayer)


  • Firemaking, Fishing, and Fletching skill has been complete. (I don’t know about 100%)
  • Source cleaned more (Useless Dead Codes, Methods etc)

Version 2.0 Features
Code: [Select]

  • EXP changed to 750 for fair amount of EXP.
  • TextHandler.Java has been cleaned.


  • Added almost perfect Dharok Formula and Obby Neck
  • Re-done Cooking method
  • Re-done CalculateMaxHit method
  • Fixed GFX Projectile (Magic)
  • Fixed a Autospawn.cfg lag
  • Range Following Added (Some things need to be tweaked)


  • A lot of useless codes removed from Client.Java, and Potions.Java
  • Some timers have been fixed (Not perfect though, I tried)
    I will update the Thread as promised when another update comes to the server.

Also, I can see that people do not like Deltascape base. Though people need to give it a chance and take the time to actually modify it and stuff. I did look at the coding and it’s not the best though it’s something that be can perfected into something good also. Plus this is my first server, and I might as well start from somewhere.

When first logging in, and Starter Equipment (Changed):

Doors have been fixed (Varrock, Falador, and Lumbridge):

The good old Runescape Grameframe:

Like I said; “I know there isn’t a lot.”
Though just have patient with me as I’m learning as I go with this development progress. I will move on to another base after I release this one as well.

I’m going to be working on this on my own. I don’t trust anyone at the moment; though in time their might be someone who I can trust. I have been back stabbed already and only been with RSPS for six days. That just goes to show how some people are very low in this world. Plus the fact they must not be able to do better than me assuming I’ve only been coding six days; and he took a lot of my work.

The outcome regarding Skillcapes has been made in which I’m not going to be adding the emotes to the Skillcapes at the moment! I am not that much familiar with the Client part of programming; therefore it will have to wait unless someone wants to help me and not back stab me in the end.

Thank You for Reading,

Ix Soulcist xI (James)

[quote=“Ix Soulcist xI, post:17, topic:386781”]Mine was where I created the development thread.

I think i remember seeing this :smiley:

Earliest post I can find was me actually attempting to help someone solve one of the easiest things possible…

[quote=“iCreatedHorror, post:4, topic:283798”]Open the EGUI file.
You should see some other IP in there. Replace it with the IP you wish to connect to.
Also, check the for the same IP and change that too.[/quote]

[quote=“drubrkletern, post:18, topic:386781”][quote author=Ix Soulcist xI link=topic=482551.msg3534064#msg3534064 date=1300415313]
Mine was where I created the development thread.


I think i remember seeing this :D[/quote]
Yeah, Bronze-Age is what got me a bit known around R-S and MoparScape.