Well this account was registered in 2006, but it only shows posts to 2009 for me and it’s just me telling someone to use google
Your First Post!
Here you go:
[quote=“durial12, post:1, topic:302646”]Okay, i recently found out my router can portforward, and have been trying to open ports 43594 in TCP and UDP Protocol…Then I used PFPortChecker and it said that the UDP port is open, but the TCP isnt…no mater how hard I try it doesn’t work…I will post a Picture of my router screen if it is needed.
Any help is appreciated…
i can’t get it, but on chaospkers my first post was bumping a 2 year old dead topic in the downloads section that was virus… :S
Yeah but I doubt I waited 3 years to ask how to portforward. I must have posted a noobier thread earlier on…like asking for a command…
[quote=“jmood128, post:1, topic:231633”]Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 17
at ItemHandler.loadItemList(ItemHandler.java:312)
at ItemHandler.(ItemHandler.java:39)
at server.main(server.java:28)
what do i do when i run my server it comes up with this =s can someone help me plz =D[/quote]
Good times back then when I was still running a server. :rolleyes:
My first actual post was this:
My first topic that didn’t have to do with my first post is this:
[quote=“The Wanderer, post:21, topic:329101”]Here we go. Pictures of final model. Hope you like. Any suggestions that you would like changed please post.
Upload link: http://uppit.com/v/UF0SDXEK
(You have to have metasequoia to view.)
By far my favorite view.
And yes wire frame with triangle count. It is a lot.[/quote]
Of course you can, first of all you're going to need the item code so you can actually execute the task that you want your server to do. this works for a 317 server. Here's an example:(Make sure this is in your Case of (First Click Item!!!)
//Clicking this item will trigger your set skill event. if (itemID == //ITEM CODE HERE) { playerXP[SKILL ID HERE 0-20] = 0; playerLevel[SKILL ID HERE 0-20] = 1; setSkillLevel(SKILL ID HERE 0-20, playerLevel[99], playerXP[14000000]); }
All you got to do is change the “Item Code Here” to your Item code that you want it to trigger with, and change “Skill ID Here 0-20” with the Skill ID
Skill Id’s -
Attack- 0
Strength- 2
Defence- 1
Hitpoints- 3
Prayer- 5
Range- 4
Magic- 6
Cooking- 7
Woodcutting- 8
Fletching- 9
Fishing- 10
Firemaking- 11
Crafing- 12
Smithing- 13
Mining- 14
Herb- 15
Agility- 16
Theiving- 17
Slayer- 18
Farming- 19
Runecrafting- 20
oh teh lulz…
[quote=“the elve age, post:1, topic:261682”]When you log in how do you make everyone get 99 slayer so lets say i log in, i want to have 99 slayer when i log in. What do i edit and such?[/quote]JC actually helped me here lol.
[quote=“shrogg, post:1, topic:252855”]hey guys i was thinking about how to make a in-game point and click editor for the rs 317 client
what i was thinking about was that you right click on something and say it comes up with its i.d and theres an option to deleate and place. you could do this with npcs/objects/items.
i dont no mutch java so thats why i posted this.
it would be a great help for beginners
moderators, plese dont lock this.
(please post) :eek: :eek:[/quote]
I think I’m one of the few that doesn’t have a first post asking for help
[quote=“The Wanderer, post:43, topic:386781”]My first actual post was this:
My first topic that didn’t have to do with my first post is this:
[quote author=The Wanderer link=topic=425486.msg3130166#msg3130166 date=1266412204]
Here we go. Pictures of final model. Hope you like. Any suggestions that you would like changed please post.
Upload link: http://uppit.com/v/UF0SDXEK
(You have to have metasequoia to view.)
By far my favorite view.
And yes wire frame with triangle count. It is a lot.
Lol dam too bad the download still doesnt work, i woulda added it to a blurr client, made a vid “CUSTOM SUPER NPC 100%” (As leechers say, even though they dont have the same defence, strength, magic calculations, correct anims, gfx, hp, or drops,
my point is, it actually looks pretty good, though it seems to much based off bandos, add a little more of the other bosses to it (If you still even haz it lulz), just a comment i woulda put if i was registered at the time.
I think that if this had AntiRandoms, it would actually be a decent simple woodcutter...Code: [Select]
program New;
x, y: integer;
wait(10000 + random(2000));
if(findcolor(x, y, 4290664, 0, 0, 764, 502))then
movemousesmooth(x, y);
wait(1000 + random(500));
clickmouse(x, y, true);
I had forgotten that I actually found moparisthebest by trying to lookup SCAR tutorials lmfao; I had found kaitnieks a while before and thought SCAR was so awesome – mad stupid shit to click start button, open paint stupid shit like that lol. I was hoping my first post would be a funny post ;(
[quote=“SilentCJ, post:1, topic:228346”]I delete anything in class 8 or any other file and compile and re run and everything, and nothing will change.
Not even if i delete a huge chunk of models from class8 and compile it does not change anything in the client.
Although, when i search an object in the class8.CLASS not the class8.JAVA, i can still find it, even if i deleted it in the .java
Can someone send me like, a good compiler?
Turns out there were errors… I decided to ignore them.
I was so innocent and stupid back then haha
Well okay the question is how exactly do I change the sky from a smoggish color to a black sky? Is this possible in just specific areas even? I think I found the code for it.if(skyLoad){
Class30_Sub2_Sub1.method336(334, 0, 0, 0xC8C0A8, 511, 0);
}However I am not sure what to do here.
this is the result of me looking at another client and still coming to a dead end.
if(skyload == 1){
sky1.method348(0, 16083, 0);
}Somebody please help?
[quote=“drubrkletern, post:48, topic:386781”][quote author=The Wanderer link=topic=482551.msg3570585#msg3570585 date=1303007507]
My first actual post was this:
My first topic that didn’t have to do with my first post is this:
Lol dam too bad the download still doesnt work, i woulda added it to a blurr client, made a vid “CUSTOM SUPER NPC 100%” (As leechers say, even though they dont have the same defence, strength, magic calculations, correct anims, gfx, hp, or drops,
my point is, it actually looks pretty good, though it seems to much based off bandos, add a little more of the other bosses to it (If you still even haz it lulz), just a comment i woulda put if i was registered at the time.[/quote]
I still have it. Atleast I believe so. Have to do some serious searching.
[quote=“blakeman8192, post:1, topic:17011”]Okay… Well, I’ve tried on two computers, because the first one was hooked up to a router and it kept telling me that the port was already in use.
but it does it on this computer too.
I do everything, i open compile, then it says “p16 by wolf enabled!”
but then i open runserver and it says “Error: Unable to startup listener on 43594 - port already in use?”
So then i close them both out, and i open runserver first, then it goes “p16 by wolf enabled!”, then i open compile, and it has the port problem again…
what should i do?
its so frustrating -.-
is there like… some other compile/run code i need to put in there? cause i put in:
@echo off
title BLAKESCAPE Client
“C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\javac.exe” -cp . *.java
“C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\java.exe” server
pause-ga-bin.jar server
for both runserver and compile…[/quote]
[quote=“blakeman8192, post:54, topic:386781”][quote author=blakeman8192 link=topic=25481.msg288866#msg288866 date=1159991005]
Okay… Well, I’ve tried on two computers, because the first one was hooked up to a router and it kept telling me that the port was already in use.
but it does it on this computer too.
I do everything, i open compile, then it says “p16 by wolf enabled!”
but then i open runserver and it says “Error: Unable to startup listener on 43594 - port already in use?”
So then i close them both out, and i open runserver first, then it goes “p16 by wolf enabled!”, then i open compile, and it has the port problem again…
what should i do?
its so frustrating -.-
is there like… some other compile/run code i need to put in there? cause i put in:
@echo off
title BLAKESCAPE Client
“C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\javac.exe” -cp . *.java
“C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\java.exe” server
pause-ga-bin.jar server
for both runserver and compile…
You’ve came along way in around 5 years, haha.
From asking questions like that to getting the “Java Guru” award. I think this proves that anyone do it if they try hard enough.