I thought about this forum having a like and dislike button on the comments of other people’s posts. Also in addition to that if you go to your account settings there is a way to make the comments have top comments enabled. For example, if you enable the setting the comments with the most likes will show first. Just a simple suggestion for a nicer set up comment section.
YouTube like comment system
Go on implementing it yourself or find a well tested SMF mod that does it. I doubt any Admins would bother spending time on this.
* stCky dislikes this
If that ever happened this website will turn into reddit.
Just no.
Nice try Google, no one likes +. Quit trying to force it on us
This forum wouldn’t be the type to have it lol’d… no, sorry.
who cares, even if people liked it we wouldn’t see it added for a few years
It’s an interesting idea but perhaps not best suited for this forum, seems a little distasteful and tacky. I’m still interested in reimplementing a system where users can give credit for thoughtful posts but I don’t think this is what the community needs. Regardless, despite my painfully awkward and late response I’m grateful for your suggestion, ItsNateDuh.
I’m sorry if we’ve disappointed but there’s only so much we can do, my power isn’t unlimited and without constraint. I promise you we’ve done our best by this section, and if something hasn’t been added I’d happily give you and the community a full, and genuine reason as to why.
Just as a general pointer here, while it may seem like this sections time is over (some may believe it never had a time) I’m still here and actively open to suggestions. I can’t promise they’ll get added but I can promise I’ll try my best. My skype is in my profile, I’m on IRC fairly often and I’ll reply to people on this topic, or through PM.