Hey guys,
Just a few small changes and updates to let you know about today, as I’ve posted around the forums recently I am now openly allowing name changes, please drop me a private message with all the relevant information and why you want your name changed and I’ll review it. If you’ve had your name changed already, I cannot guarantee I’ll do it again. That being said think long and hard before messaging me.
On another note I’ve stumbled across a cool feature of simpleportal which allows the creation of new pages with cool designs, in the past people have suggested reworking the help tab to include more relevant information, we can now do that and once this page is complete I’ll link it on the homepage. You can find the under construction version of the page here:
If you’d like to help please let me know, I’d appreciate that a lot!
Finally onto the elephant in the topic, I’m polling the return of the reputation system, while this poll doesn’t determine anything it’s merely to grasp the communities view on the matter. The results will be available after the poll has expired, I’d suggest everyone vote.