We are in the process of merging the moparisthebest.com forums with moparisthebest.com. These are the changes we have made so far:
[ul] [li]The following boards have been merged with the current board layout:
[li]General discussion [/li]
[li]Questions [/li]
[li]Discussion and debates [/li]
[li]Review and writing [/li]
[li]Programming [/li]
[li]Web design[/li]
[li]The following boards have been added to the current layout:
[li]Java Programming[/li]
[li]Other hidden boards[/li]
[li]Various MITB oriented ranks such as IRC Legend, and community member have received changes. Community member is now hidden (the green colour on who’s online, and the title are no longer visible) but the discussion boards still exist. As for IRC legend, the award has been revamped and renamed to IRC Addict and it will now be given out to those who have actively used the IRC (Not specific to #mopar or any other channel) for 4 months, this includes participating in discussion. This doesn’t mean you leave your bnc on for 4 months then collect your new shiny badge. In light of these changes all previous IRC badges have been revoked and all previous holders are pending review for the new badge.[/li]
[li]All ranks that were separate because of having MITB and MSCP have been merged together, for example the global moderator ranks are now one. [/li]
I think most of the other categories will be moved here read-only and hidden by default.