Minecraft Server>?

i dont know what way i can go about this because ive checked the internet and i cannot find anything atall, does anyone know of a link or something to make & code my own custom minecraft server? even if it’s a Premade server what i can code into like the RSPS thats Released Ect that would be greatful

Use Bukkit with plugins of your choice.

Just to elaborate on Travas’ post


Download the server, revision of your choice (best to use a recommended build, 1.5.2-R1.0 is the latest)


Plugins for your server, customise it as you will


CraftBukkit API for creating your own plugins

like i want to be able to completely code a server alone and host it with custom client and stuff. umm will that like supply it? so i can code my own server

does anyone have a copy of a minecraft server source files complete with server and client? as im looking to start coding my own server but i cant find any base’s or anything… thankyou

I’m not 100% sure but i don’t think that’s how minecraft works.


nigga fuck you, stick to 1 thread faggot.

there must be a SOURCE! otherwise how does Minecraft Run, like how would someone make a minecraft server if there isnt no source./ dont worry about this. Mod please delete Thread ) cannot be bothered to keep looking for something thats Fake.

I’ve gone ahead and merged your two threads, for future reference please stick to one topic.

From what I can see you have disregarded everything that has been given to you so frankly I cannot see a good reason why we should continue

Just to go ahead and shove it directly down your throat, http://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/ is the ‘source’

there is no need to give him mouth, he only asked for some support that’s what (Moparscape Forums) are, Also the abuse your giving him isnt Allowed…

also phaze one, that dont tell him how he can log into the actual server, or how to Run the server…

[quote=“redblade473, post:9, topic:523894”]there is no need to give him mouth, he only asked for some support that’s what (Moparscape Forums) are, Also the abuse your giving him isnt Allowed…

also phaze one, that dont tell him how he can log into the actual server, or how to Run the server…[/quote]I don’t get what you’re on about. Phaze One explained to him multiple times and gave him specific links to the server software, yet lineage completely ignored it and went on to ask about how to get the server software.

I don’t see any abuse going on. Besides, the guy wants to ‘code’ his own server software, if he is incapable of even following simple directions, then what make you think his is capable of making a Minecraft server from complete scratch?

https://github.com/grahamedgecombe/lightstone …If you want to

i have a minecraft hoster already like, but im looking for a client and source of a minecraft base, so i can code my self too…

[quote=“lineage, post:12, topic:523894”]i have a minecraft hoster already like, but im looking for a client and source of a minecraft base, so i can code my self too…[/quote]I don’t think you have any clue on how Minecraft and Minecraft servers work.

im being fair, all i need to know is how to run the server it’s self through the source file’s like (server.java)

[quote=“lineage, post:14, topic:523894”]im being fair, all i need to know is how to run the server it’s self through the source file’s like (server.java)[/quote]Minecraft isn’t open source however there is a SERVER MOD API http://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/ and you can create your own PLUGINS http://wiki.bukkit.org/Plugin_Tutorial or download some from here http://plugins.bukkit.org/ . There are also THIRD PARTY CLIENT MOD APIS called forge and modloader.

but zuppers that’s not what i am asking, how do i (make a minecraft server) and how do i (connect) to it?

[quote=“lineage, post:16, topic:523894”]but zuppers that’s not what i am asking, how do i (make a minecraft server) and how do i (connect) to it?[/quote]You typically don’t make a minecraft server and you connect to with the minecraft client. http://minecraft.net/

i tried that client, but that dont let me put my own IP in

[quote=“lineage, post:18, topic:523894”]i tried that client, but that dont let me put my own IP in[/quote]You login to play minecraft. So your choices are find a cracked client or buy the game after you login you will see.

Then you can go to multiplayer and that’s where you add your server.

ok i got a client, umm where would i get the actual server files to run the server?