ok well im trying to add some stuff to my shops but in my files i cant seem to find my “shops.java” or what ever that is where my shops r and their items where would i find it at? plz help
Ok i got 1 questiong and need a little bit of help
Try shops.cfg Look for a cfg file near the top of your server folder or in the S’s.
ok i found my shops.cfg but now it wont let me open it so now what do i do?
you gotta right click and open it with notepad
well somthing like this : shop = 6 Helmet_Shop. 2 2 1139 5 1137 3 1141 3 1143 2 1145 1 1155 4 1153 3 1157 3 1159 2 1161 1
the 1139 etc are the id`s of the stuff and the 3 etc are the amount Enjoy.[br][br][size=1]Posted on: March 06, 2008, 08:05:34 AM[/size][hr][quote=“jc22493, post:4, topic:186719”]you gotta right click and open it with notepad[/quote]
No, you faggot.
ooooooo ok ill try that
ok well i tryed to riteclick and there is no option to open it with a nope pad. is there supose to be an option or do i need to just open a new notepad?
Right click and “open with…” with notepad.
just double cllick it…then in the new screen press the second option (open with) or sumthin like that then pick notepad
right click it then select properties then where it says opens with and change make it to notepad.