Would You Rather

[quote=“3lv3n snip3r, post:40, topic:502273”]Smartest person in the world.

Would you rather do anal with 3 giant scorpions until your anus is ripped off or get a blowjob by a fully grown great white shark?[/quote]In my opinion, Would You Rather is more fun to play with positive or supernatural things, like a choice of super powers, because that way it comes down to the person’s own opinion verses what would hurt less.

Okay, here’s another one.

Would you rather have constipation or explosive diarrhea?

[quote=“3lv3n snip3r, post:42, topic:502273”]Okay, here’s another one.

Would you rather have constipation or explosive diarrhea?[/quote]
Constipation, would you rather have a daughter who has no friends and deals with depression, or a daughter who is a massive whore who gets pregnant by the time she’s 16?

I’m cringing so much. Some of these questions are so immature and silly.

That’s the point, make it fun and hard so the person below takes a good ol’ 10 minutes to decide. But by saying fun: I don’t mean Porno.

Would you rather: Fly out of a window OR get a detention where you stay for the rest of your life with no food.

fly out a window

hit with a tazer or hit by lightning

tazer will last a while, but lightning is stronger but instant

[quote=“drubrkletern, post:46, topic:502273”]fly out a window

hit with a tazer or hit by lightning

tazer will last a while, but lightning is stronger but instant[/quote]

Would you rather: Be Lonely for the rest of your life OR be happy with no family.

I would rather be happy without my family.

Would you rather be able to Predict future catastrophes or Predict future stock market information


Sir, you forgot your “Would you rather”, check the example on the first page.

Edit: Would you rather: Suck your Granny’s Snot out OR eat her bogies

im sorry

It’s okay, you gotta answer the question above you.

[quote=“Lil_Smok3r, post:50, topic:502273”][quote author=drubrkletern link=topic=620501.msg4250315#msg4250315 date=1362300706]
Sir, you forgot your “Would you rather”, check the example on the first page.

Edit: Would you rather: Suck your Granny’s Snot out OR eat her bogies…[/quote]

Would you rather be deaf and see or be blind and be able to hear?

Deaf and see.

Would you rather a really good looking car which is highly dangerous or a junk heap which is ready to break down?

[quote=“amy_webb, post:54, topic:502273”]Deaf and see.

Would you rather a really good looking car which is highly dangerous or a junk heap which is ready to break down?[/quote]

thats a double negative, so i pick hum-v

btw, some of these questions are so easily answered, guys make your questions more challenging :smiley:

would you rather have the most beautiful girl in the world sleep with you (but she has aids) or the ugliest girl in the world sleep with you (clean, no aids, nothing, but she has a hairy *******) either way your held against your will to make a choice, so walking away from them both leads to torture. choose

[quote=“amy_webb, post:54, topic:502273”]Deaf and see.

Would you rather a really good looking car which is highly dangerous or a junk heap which is ready to break down?[/quote]Good Looking car please.

Would you rather attack a donkey with a trident, or a zebra with a grenade.

they both couldnt do shit with it but since grenade will somehow blow up in my face donkey with trident

sacrifice yourself to save someone close or kill them to save yourself

[quote=“3lv3n snip3r, post:40, topic:502273”]Smartest person in the world.

Would you rather do anal with 3 giant scorpions until your anus is ripped off or get a blowjob by a fully grown great white shark?[/quote]

you forgot the blind part…

I would sacrifice myself.

Would you rather be shot for a million dollars or shoot one of your family for a million dollars.

[quote=“drubrkletern, post:57, topic:502273”]they both couldnt do shit with it but since grenade will somehow blow up in my face donkey with trident

sacrifice yourself to save someone close or kill them to save yourself[/quote]
be shot

die and come back as a zombie or die and…well thats it.

[quote=“jal knight, post:59, topic:502273”][quote author=drubrkletern link=topic=620501.msg4251928#msg4251928 date=1362376128]
they both couldnt do shit with it but since grenade will somehow blow up in my face donkey with trident

sacrifice yourself to save someone close or kill them to save yourself
be shot

die and come back as a zombie or die and…well thats it.[/quote]
Come back as a zombie, if I die then other people are gonna die with me

Get elbow dropped on the testicles by macho man randy savage or have red forman stick his foot up your ass??